Accountable merges the usefulness of to-do lists with the ability to keep a child responsible for completing the tasks and teach them about time management! The parent will be notified through real-time notifications whenever a child does or does not complete a task through text messages and images. Let Accountable be the app that keeps you on task!
(If the device does not support text message, the parent will receive a email after a to-do list is fully completed)
With Accountable, the parent or guardian can teach the skill of effectively managing time through creating timed to-do lists.
As a parent you can
- set up and change pin to keep child from accessing, changing, and exiting to-do lists
- create, save, and edit to-do-lists
- receive messages or emails when child has or has not completed task
The use of Accountable will help
- foster healthy relationship between parent and child
- teach value of time management
- give parents remote control over children and their activities
Accountable is free to download and use; it is created with the passion of spreading the necessity and usefulness of effective time management.
If you have comments, questions, or concerns, please follow/contact the creator on GitHub or Facebook(@lilyli333), instagram ( Any and all feedback is appreciated!